"Abuse Again and Again" By GTL81@aol.com Completion is your new prize, Framed on your wall. I will take your joy, you ease, and your love, And destroy it all. Don't ever think of smiling at me, Adding to my immeasurable pain. I gave everything I could to do things right, But now I will live my life in vain. He holds you in his arms, As he tells you a joke and you laugh. See this knife in my hand? I will use it to cut your new found love in half. Let the knife then go in my heart Where it seems to want to stay. Let it bleed on me as I bleed on myself. Like rain that never goes away. I hope your will forgive my actions, They are cruel, but needed. You cannot be whole without me, My abuse will never stop, only be repeated. I love my blanket of envy, As I choke you both with its threads. Beg for mercy, fools, Only to get none until you are dead. I cry because God has his eye on me. What has happened to my soul? It is wretched and weak, I shall retire to my six foot hole. The past echoes in my mind, Time waves its hands in my face. I'm running away from everything, Faster than ever, but I'm losing this race. I will spread my heart's damage To all who stand in my way. This is all dissecting me, I can't handle this dismay. I wish your love will turn tragic, As many of your others have before. It may seem rather far-fetched, But reality is what I plan to ignore. I wait for the day you are out of my life, Will that day ever come? Please, God, let it come and heal me, And make my aching done. I shall take your completion And tear it apart with my rage. I will treat you the way I will treat myself, For soon after I will fade away. I can remember a happier time, Seems like a dream now. I have to get back to where I was, I must salvage my soul somehow. I weep as I stab you two asleep, I kill all that is good and right. And this night will never end, The sun is nowhere in sight. I am still looking for help Before I go too far. I need something to save me Before I fall apart. It's an absurd notion, But as long as love is alive Anyone lives in danger. Will this ever fade in time? I hate you Because I love you. I reject you Because I want you. It will never end. It will only abuse again and again. 4/27/98